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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1977;6(2): 499-506.
Two Cases of Mycotic Aneurysm with Intracerebral Hematoma.
Jong Sik Suck, Jung Shick Kim, Dae Hi Han, Bo Sung Sim
Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Mycotic aneurysms are produced by an infected embolus from vegetations on the heart valves in bacterial endocarditis, which breaks off and lodges in the cerebral blood vessels. The wall of the embolized vessel becomes infected, invasion by inflammatory cells and necrosis of the wall are often followed by rupture and formation of a aneurysmal sac. These aneurysms are very are in incidence and are usually located more peripherally in the vascular tree than berry aneurysms, are more irregular in shape and are not necessarily located at bifurcations. Recently we experienced a case of mycotic aneurysm with intracerebral hematoma which had developed in a subacute bacteria endocarditis patient. The patient was 44 years old male patient with dilated right pupil and left hemiplegia. He was treated surgically by evacuation of intracerebral hematoma and excision of mycotic aneurysm. We also experienced another case of mycotic aneurysm with intracerebral hematoma in 17 years old male patient who had been suffered from fever of unknown origin. He was also treated surgically. We now reports 2 cases of mycotic aneurysm with intracerebral hematoma with a brief review of the literatures.
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