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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1977;6(2): 427-430.
Analysis of 6 Cases of Brain Stem Glioma.
Jae Hack Shin, Sung Bo Shim, Yong Moon Jun, Yung Chul Ok, Kyu Woong Lee
Department of Neurosurgery, National Medical Center, Korea.
An analysis of recent experiences for the brain stem glioma with surgery and autopsy established confirmation of the characteristic symptoms and signs, and of diagnostic criterias of Conray-ventriculogram and vertebral-angiogram. The cases consisted of 2 cases of exophytic brain stem glioma and 4 cases of pontomedullary glioma, and 5 of 6 patients had the signs of the increased intracranial pressure in this cases. A resurgence of interest in the Conray ventriculogram has been produced by cut-off sign of aqueduct of Sylvius in 2 cases of the exophytic brain stem glioma. The survival period in adults (1-3 years) were longer than that in children (less than 3 months) in this series.
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