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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1975;4(1): 123-128.
Vascular Tumor of the Spine.
Yong Moon Jun, Jung Kil Rhee, Dae Jo Kim, Young Chul Ok, Kyu Woong Lee
Department of Neurosurgery, The National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
Although a vascular tumor of the spinal cord is a fairly common lesion, and is often asymptomatic, it was recently found more frequently by contrast myelography and selective spinal angiography. The first report on an angioma of the spinal cord was made by Hebold in 1885. They may be classified as malformation composed of masses of tortuous interlacing vessels. A benign vascular tumor of the spinal cord may occur at any level and within the structures of the spinal canal. The cord involved directly by portions of the varix, foci of infarction of the involved cord may be thrombosis of the vessels of the angioma. Vascular tumors of the cord are difficult to treatment. An attempt can be made to reduce the size of the angioma by ligation or resection, but it is imperative that the blood supply to the spinal cord or nerve roots should not be injured. Roentgen therapy may be of value. We have experienced in 3 patients with vascular tumor involving the spinal epidural space. They had paraparesis or paraplegia with sensory level and urinary difficulity. Roentgenograms show perpendicular striations in the vertebral body owing to coarse trabeculations surrounding the dilated vascular spaces. Myelogram shows subarachnoid blockade in the epidural space by a tumor mass. Total laminectomy was performed, and the vascular tumor mass was removed, thereafter the neurological signs were some improved.
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