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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1972;1(1): 185-189.
A Case of Ependymoblastoma.
Tai Chun Yoo, Yoon Sun Hahn, Hun Jae Lee, Woon Sup Han, Chi Whan Kim, Yoo Bock Lee
1Department of Neurosurgey, Yonsei University Medical Center, Korea.
2Department of Pathology, Yonsei University Medical Center, Korea.
We have seen a primitive glioma which can be regarded as ependymoblastoma arising at the left frontal lobe of four-year-old boy. He has complained of excitement, hyperesthesia, mild incomplete paralysis of the left lower extremity for 1 1/2 months, and also incontinence of urine and stool was complained. The signs of increased intracranial pressure such as papilledema and separation of suture line were noted. Brain scanning showed tumor mass at the left frontal lobe, and which was revealed to be vascular tumor on carotid angiogram and delta wave was found at those area by electroencephalogram. Operative findings were that the tumor was hemorrhagic vascular mass showing partly cystic and necrotic in appearance, not bulged above outer surface and not connected with ventricle. The tumor mass measured 6x5x4cm which cut surface was pinkish white and focal necrotic areas were also seen. On microscopic examination the tumor was composed of relatively uniform primitive glial cells and the tumor cells arranged in perivascular area forming multiple layers while other region showed well formed tubules. Fibrillated cytoplasmic process between central vessel and glial cells that could be seen in matured ependymoma was not identified.
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