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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1994;23(2): 248-252.
Two Cases of Sinus Pericranii.
Jae Hoon Sung, Moon Chan Kim, Joon Ki Kang, Cahng Rak Choi
Department of Neurosurgery, Catholic University Medical College, Seoul, Korea.
The "sinus pericranii" is a rare vascular anomaly involving an abnormal communication between extracranial and intracranial venous system, which usually involves the superior sagittal sinus, sometimes the transverse sinus. It is found beneath or in the periosteum of the cranial vault and is connected with an intracranial sinus through anomalous diploic veins of congenital or acquired origin. It is benign scalp mass, and should be differentiated from vascular anomalies of the scalp and cystic masses of the scalp communication with the cerebrospinal space. The authors present 2 cases of sinus pericranii which was spontaneously developed without any history if head injury. The lesion was found to be changed in it's volume according to patient's head position. Clinical characteristics of sinus pericranii is discussed.
Key Words: Sinus pericranii; Vascular anomaly; Scalp mass
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