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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1989;18(5): 780-783.
Delayed Traumatic Cerebral Infarction(Case Reports).
Soo Il Kim, Hun Joo Kim, Yong Pyo Han, Soon Ki Hong, Chul Hu
Department of Neurosurgery, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Wonju, Korea.
Delayed traumatic cerebral infarction appears to occur more frequently than previously expected. We have experienced two cases of this clinical entity whose initial neurological condition were good except headache and/or mental confusion. However, their initial Brain CT scans showed no specific abnormalities. The detailed neurological examination and follow up Brain CT scans were prerequisite choices of strategy against this type of lesion. However, additional studies regarding intracranial pressure(ICP), cerebral blood flow(CBF), multimodality evoked potential(MMEP) and magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) should be considered as an alternative armamentarium for further elucidation of vascular insults to already injured brain.
Key Words: Head injury; Cerebral infarction; Brain CT scan; Intracranial pressure; Cerebral blood flow; Multimodality evoked potential; Magnetic resonance imaging
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