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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1988;17(4): 797-806.
Multiple Factors on Fatal Outcome Following Head Injury.
Jhin So Pyen, Hun Joo Kim, Soon Ki Hong, Young Pyo Han
Department of Neurosurgery, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Korea.
The causative factors were analyzed clinicostatically on 113 patients who were dead among 1591 head injured patients during recent 3 years from March, 1983. The conclusions are as follows: 1) The mortality ratio of male to female is 2.9 to 1 and especially 3rd to 5th decade is the most prevalent age group(64 cases, 56.6%). 2) The most common mode of injury is motor vehicle accident(71 cases, 62.8%), followed by fall down and struck on the head in the order of frequency. 3) The 60 cases(53.1%) are in the category of lower GCS(Glasgow Coma Scale) score(< or = 7). 4) The operative intervention does not appear to have any influence on patient's survival time. 5) The abnormal motor and pupil responses are shown on 72 cases(64%) and 75 cases(66%), respectively. 6) The diffuse brain swellings are frequently shown in young age group(<20yr). 7) The leading causes of death are (1)Mass lesion and contusion in cases of lower GCS score(< or = 7) and shorter survival time, and (2) Chest complications and G-I bleeding in cases of higher GCS score(> or = 8) and longer survival time.
Key Words: Head injury; Multiple factors; Death
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