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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1976;5(2): 69-74.
Clinical Analysis of Brain Scans Using Technetium-99M.
Sung Bo Shim, Jae Hak Shin, Yong Moon Jun, Dae Jo Kim, Yung Chul Ok, Kyu Woong Lee
Department of Neurosurgery, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
Technetium 99 M pertechnetate has become a valuable for the radioisotopic brain scan. This was introduced by Haper in 1963 and is now widely used in the medical field. The advantages are easy administration, high count rate with potential for high speed scanning, absence of beta radiation and decreasing time for test. We used Siemens Scintimat 2 Scanner with a 3x2 inch Na(T1) crystal and 151-hole collimator in our study. 10 mci Technetium 99 M was injected intravenously and obtained both lateral, anterior and posterior view in 80 cases of brain lesion from Mar. 75 to Sep. 76. The scans were classified as positive, negative and suspicious. The overall detection rate in 40 cases of brain tumors was 60%, especially high uptake in mengioma, malignant pituitary tumor, astrocytoma, metastatic brain tumor and acoustic neuroma. But in nontumors diseases of the brain including CVA, head injury and hydrocephalus the uptake rate was a little value.
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