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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2011;50(4): 348-356.
doi: https://doi.org/10.3340/jkns.2011.50.4.348
The Safety and Efficacy of Cadaveric Allografts and Titanium Cage as a Fusion Substitutes in Pyogenic Osteomyelitis.
Hyun Woo Kim, Je il Ryu, Koang Hum Bak
Department of Neurosurgery, Hanyang University Medical Center, Seoul, Korea. pkh2325@hanyang.ac.kr
The safety and efficacy of various fusion substitutes in pyogenic osteomyelitis has not been investigated. We evaluated and compared the cadaveric allograft and titanium cages used to reconstruct, maintain alignment and achieve fusion in the management of pyogenic spinal infection.
There were 33 patients with pyogenic osteomyelitis underwent fusion in this study. Fifteen of the 33 patients were operated on by fusion with allografts (cadaveric patella bones) and 18 of those were operated with titanium mesh cages filled with autologous cancellous iliac bone. After the affected disc and vertebral body resection with pus drainage, cadaveric allograft or titanium cages were inserted into the resected space. Posterior transpedicular screw fixation and rod compression in resected space, where cadaveric allograft or titanium cages were inserted, was performed to prevent the malposition in all patients except in 1 case. Recurrent infection was identified by serial erythrocyte sedimentation rate and cross reactive protein follow-up. Osseous union and recurred infection available at a minimum of 2 years following operation was identified. The amount of kyphosis correction and the subsidence were measured radiographically.
Spinal fusion was achieved in 29 of 33 patients. In the cadaveric allograft group, 93.3% of patient (14 of 15) showed the osseous union while 83.3% of patient (15 of 18) in the titanium cage group showed union. Subsidence was noted in 12 of the patients. Twelve patients (36.3%) showed unsettling amounts of subsidence postoperatively whereas 46.6% of patients in the cadaveric allograft group and 37.7% of patients in the titanium cage group showed similar subsidence, respectively. There were statistical difference in the fusion rate (p=0.397) and subsidence rate (p=0.276) between the two groups. There was significant statistical difference in the postoperative improvement of segmental kyphosis between the two groups (p=0.022), that is the improvement in sagittal alignment was greater in the titanium cage group than in the cadaveric allograft group. There was no case of recurred infection.
The cadaveric allograft and titanium cages are effective and safe in restoring and maintaining sagittal plane alignment without increased incidence in infection recurrence in pyogenic osteomyelitis. The postoperative improvement of segmental kyphosis was better in the cage group.
Key Words: Allograft; Fusion; Spinal infection; Titanium cage
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